Rabu, 13 Januari 2010

tes kepribadian

Pernah dengar pembagian kepribadian ???
mau tahu anda berada di kelompok mana? Dan bagaimana cara belajar efektif?

Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini (sekalian belajar bahasa Inggris)

  1. Are you neat and orderly? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  2. Do you speak quickly? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  3. Are you a good long-range planner and organizer? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  4. Are you a good speller and can you actually see the words in your mind? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  5. Do you remember what was seen rather than heard? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  6. Do you memorize by visual association? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  7. Do you have trouble remembering verbal instruction unless they are written down and do you often ask people to repeat themselves? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  8. Would you rather read than be read to? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  9. Do you doodle during phone conversation staff meetings? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  10. Would you rather do a demonstration than make a speech? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  11. Do you like art more than music? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  12. Do you know what to say but can’t think of the right words? (often / sometimes / seldom)


  1. Do you talk to yourself while working? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  2. Are you easily distracted by noise? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  3. Do you move you lips/pronounce the words as you read? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  4. Do you enjoy reading aloud and listening? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  5. Can you repeat back and mimic tone, pitch and timbre? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  6. Do you find writing difficult but are better at telling? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  7. Do you speak in rhythmic patterns? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  8. Do you think you are an eloquent speaker? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  9. Do you like music more than art? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  10. Do you learn by listening and remember what was discussed rather than seen? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  11. Are you talkative, love discussion and go into lengthy descriptions? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  12. Can you spell better out loud than in writing? (often / sometimes / seldom)


  1. Do you speak slowly? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  2. Do you touch people to get their attention? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  3. Do you stand close when talking to someone? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  4. Are you physically oriented and move a lot? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  5. Do you learn by manipulating and doing? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  6. Do you memorize by walking and seeing? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  7. Do you use a finger as a pointer when reading? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  8. Do you gesture a lot? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  9. Do you have difficulty sitting still for long periods? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  10. Do you make decisions based on your feelings? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  11. Do you tap your pen, fingers or foot while listening? (often / sometimes / seldom)
  12. Do you spend time playing sports and physical activities? (often / sometimes / seldom)

Langkah berikut:

  1. Jumlahkan setiap jawaban often, sometimes dan seldom di setiap bagian, jadi akan ada tiga angka untuk setiap bagian (V, A, dan K)
  2. Dan lakukan langkah berikut ini untuk setiap bagian (V, A, dan K)

a. Nilai often dikali dua (O x 2)
b. Nilai sometimes dikali satu (So x 1)
c. Nilai seldom dikali satu (Se x 0)
d. Jumlahkan ketiga nilai a + b + c di atas

  1. Setelah mendapat satu nilai untuk setiap bagian V, A dan K, bandingkan ketiga nilainya. Nilai paling tinggi menggambarkan sifat dominan diri kita.


  1. Visual: belajarlah dengan mewarnai dan membuat diagram, biasanya menyukai warna cerah dan suka menggambar (salah seorang teman visualku sangat menyukai manga). Stabilo dan spidol warna bisa menjadi senjata ampuh.
  2. Audio: belajarlah dengan meminta seorang teman atau guru untuk menerangkan sesuatu pada anda. Karena dengan mendengarkan, anda lebih bisa menyerap sesuatu. Atau coba membaca sesuatu dengan keras.
  3. Kinestetis (ini gue banget, dengan nilai 19): kalau ingin mempelajari sesuatu, cobalah dengan berjalan, bergerak, menghafal sambil bergerak. Orang kinestetis sulit untuk disuruh diam di suatu tempat dan berkonsentrasi.

NB. Cobalah test ini, dan temukan cara belajar efektif anda.

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